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Copy of the review completed by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews

Olympus Book Blog

Rebecca Steele Living the Dream by Joanne Patterson

5 Stars

Becky is back!

What a drama-packed story in Rebecca Steele Living the Dream by Joanne Patterson. I am a big fan of this author! This author brings the Becky back to life. This author had a dramatic writing style, and indeed can show stories. I love it when a Legacy author sends me more of their work! I read the first 2 books in this series Rebecca Steele and enjoyed them. However, this, I think, is my favorite. Becky is strong character, and a lot of that strength comes from within, and she also shows it on the outside with her music and attitude. It's never a journey that is without obstacles, but it is a book that also brings her daughter into the limelight. Sadly, this is the final book in the series, but it is definitely full of drama, and that bit of unpredictability. It’s one of those embraceable stories. It is always an honor to read this author's books. I recommend reading all three, in order, but they can be read stand alone, but you get extra doses of Becky when you read all three. Rebecca Steele Living the Dream is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading many more titles by this author.


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