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Update to the Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours Brand!!

Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours is changing its name to Genesis Literary Promotions. The customized packages are the same. The service to our clients is also the same. This seems to make sense as even blog tours are promotions, and yes, we'll still have blog tours, connection with bloggers and reviewers, and to continue to grow our client base.

You'll see a slight change in the wording of the Logos used. The email address will be unchanged, and the website link is also unchanged.

Our mission is still specializing in promoting debut & experienced literary professionals. Genesis was established in May of 2021, and soon, there will be a subsidy company rising as well. So, stay tuned.

We will be spending the next few weeks making the changes to our brand, as it is quite an undertaking, so bear with us as we do this. During this time, we also have ongoing promotion tours, and open schedules for any promotions.

Thank you

Genesis Literary Promotions



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