This is what Genesis can do for YOU!
Copper 1 package: $100 plus tax and billing fee.
3 - teaser images and blog posts on Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours Olympus Blog post (3 different days), The Official Blog of Amy Shannon blog posts (3 different dates, not the same as Olympus) during peak times.
Then the date of the reveal a fourth post on both blogs will run simultaneously.
All blog posts will be shared on
Facebook: @genesisbookpromos
Twitter: @GenesisBookPro1
Writer Amy Shannon (FB):@amyshannonnovelist
Amy Shannon (Twitter) @amyshan_author
Copper Package 2: $150 plus tax and billing fee.
All above posts with add-ons:
All 4 posts to both Instagram accounts: @genesisbooks72 and @authoramyshannon