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Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours recruitment

Olympus Book Blog

Hello. This is Amy Shannon from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I was an author, and now I focus on my blogs, podcast, The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon on BlogTalk Radio and my new venture, Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours.

My business partner and I have opened a business that will better help promote authors, and even create blog tours for authors. There is a specific list of genres that we will accept, and maybe in some rare cases, we will accept other genres. Our prices and packages are listed on our website. We are recruiting authors that may have a need for one or some of the packages, and also book bloggers and reviewers. There is an author information page, which lists out the details of the genres, and also there is a form for the author to fill out. An author who also has a book blog or book review blog, can do both, be a client, as well as a blogger.

I'm not really writing anymore due to my tremor disorder, so I'm focusing on the business end of reviews, and the podcast. (Oh, by the way, we are always looking for guests or experts on our podcast and that is also one of the options the author can select, or you can contact the podcast directly for more information at The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon website.

Check out our social media pages as well, and feel free to "like" or follow us.


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